Last updated on June 5, 2020
In this blog post, you will learn How to Override Theming Colors.
Most of the time we would end up being as a developer not dive in to designing any of the web page template markup.
That leads us to depend on someone else on designing web pages, more importantly, applying styles.
Here I would like to give you a simple knowledge sharing on how we can override the theming colors. I faced this scenario when I was working with Angular Theming
I have considered Bootstrap CSS framework
for this explanation.
How to Override Theming Colors
As we all do just by installing bootstrap
with npm package manager
> npm install bootstrap jquery -S
Once installed, you can get it from the node_modules
Usually, we would use bootstrap SCSS
files for variables, functions, mixins
which comprised of SASS variables
that we can straight away use else can override.
Lets for an instance, we have style.scss
file where we have our custom css stylings for our application.
And having theme.scss
file to keep color variables separating from our main scss
file. Fortunately, I got theming kit
as a reference while implementing this.
Step 1,
As a first step we should import bootstrap scss variables
from theme.scss
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
Step 2,
Through step1, all the bootstrap variables
would be available to override.
In order to override or replace bootstrap theming with our own colors, then we have $theme-color
sass variable from bootstrap.
$theme-colors: (
"primary": #D9D9D9,
"danger": red
By doing like above, theming would be overriden.
Totally, we have 8 different theming variables are there such as Primary, Secondary, Danger, Success, Warning, Light, Info and Dark.