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Most Essential GIT Commands for Absolute Beginners

Last updated on March 20, 2020

I thought to write this blog post for absolute beginner who wants to learn and use it for Most Essential Git Commands.

I list down the GIT commands here,

Most Essential GIT Commands

  • git init – To initialize git repo in your local system
  • git add && git commit -m "<message>" – To add and commit your changes to locally.
  • git pull && git push – To push your changes to the remote repository but before doing that we must ensure any changes are available from remote repository.
  • git merge <from_branch_name> – To merge one branch to the current branch, here <from_branch_name> specifies the desired branch to be merged.
  • git reset HEAD~1 – To revert our recent commit from local system and just by adding –hard or –soft determines whether to keep the changed files in local or not. In short, git reset HEAD~1 --soft
  • git stash save – To save your changes locally without committing! Most absolute beginner didn’t aware of this simple command. I personally prefer to use this command most of the time.
  • git stash apply @{stash_id} – To retrieve the top most saved changes and apply it in local current repository.
  • git stash list – To list down all the saved stash entries from your local system.

I wanted to keep this information as much as straight-forward. Thus, software developer who is in beginner stage also will get beneficial out of this.

I will write about advanced GIT Commands in my next blog post. Stay tuned till then.


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